
Adult Navigation

The Adult Navigator will provide person centered, trauma informed support to adults ages 18+ that includes:

Crisis intervention
The Adult Navigators will support the client to both provide prevention and intervention by connecting to the adult client, appropriately assessing, case planning, connecting them to programs/ services, and providing case management and follow up to ensure the clients needs are being met.

Connection to resources
Resources exist in Nunavut, however are not readily accessibly in Kinngait. The Navigator will have access to technology in order to facilitate appointments with medical, mental health, addictions and other supports in Nunavut. Connection to resources will also include culturally specific resources such as classes, time on the land, skills development, etc.
Example: counselling available virtually, client supported by Navigator during the process.

Appropriate Assessment completion
Completion of assessments to measure resiliency, well being, needs, emotional capacity, etc. These would then be utilized to appropriate determine support and care plans for the clients. This would also help to identify further need for supports and articulate clearly what that support needs to be. It removes the guess work and time and energy trying to support a client without knowing the how. This information is important for many service providers to be able to accurately assess need in community, positioning of resources and interventions, development of new resources and return on investment for those resources.
Example: a client who is frequently in contact with the criminal justice system may benefit from assessments indicating actual needs and functioning. This may reduce use of justice system by providing accurate information to other service providers, and providing access for the client to specific resources that can target the areas of support needed.

Ongoing support and relationship building
Connection has been proven to reduce addiction and suicide ideation. It increases attachment, well being, resiliency and capacity within humans. By providing relationship-based services and building rapport with the clients, modelling and teaching can occur, community capacity can be built and the adults can be empowered to make healthy choices based on their wants and needs.

Interagency Participation/ Collaboration
The Adult Navigators will participate in interagency meetings. Through triaging and navigating, the Adult Navigators will appropriately create dialogue with service providers and provide the 5 overarching case management. This will reduce pressure on other resources (mental health, RCMP),
allowing for cohesive responses to prevention and intervention to occur.

For more information, please contact

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